DVC JE Recruitment 2024 Notification Out! Apply Online Link, Qualification, Dates,Age


Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC) invites ONLINE applications from bright, result-oriented, and promising DIPLOMA ENGINEERS to join its journey of growth as JUNIOR ENGINEER GR.II (JE GR.II) in the disciplines of Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, C&I, Communication, and Mine Surveyor through a computer-based test (CBT).

Vacancies and Reservation

St. No.Name of Post & Post No.Vacancies with Reservation #Total
1.JE Gr.II (Mech), 2024/JE10904
2.JE Gr.II (Elec), 2024/JE20905
3.JE Gr.II (C&I), 2024/JE30101
4.JE Gr.II (Civil), 2024/JE40905
5.JE Gr.II (Comm), 2024/JE50101
6.Mine Surveyor, 2024/MS60301

Age Limit

  • Junior Engineers GR-II: Minimum 18 years and maximum 28 years as of the closing date of online application.
  • Mine Surveyor: Minimum 18 years and maximum 30 years as of the closing date of online application.

Scale of Pay

  • Pay: ₹35,400/- to ₹1,12,400/- in Pay Matrix Level 6 (at B4 level in DVC) as per the 7th Pay Revision.

Essential Qualifications

Post Name & Post No.Qualification Requirement (QR)
JE Gr.ll (Mech), 2024/JE13 years full-time Diploma in Mechanical Engineering with at least 65% marks (General/OBC(NCL)/EWS) or 60% marks (SC/ST/PwBD).
JE Gr.II (Elec), 2024/JE23 years full-time Diploma in Electrical/Electrical & Electronics Engineering with at least 65% marks (General/OBC(NCL)/EWS) or 60% marks (SC/ST/PwBD).
JE Gr.ll (C&I), 2024/JE33 years full-time Diploma in Electronics & Telecommunications/Instrumentation Engineering with at least 65% marks (General/OBC(NCL)/EWS) or 60% marks (SC/ST/PwBD).
JE Gr.ll (Civil), 2024/JE43 years full-time Diploma in Civil Engineering with at least 65% marks (General/OBC(NCL)/EWS) or 60% marks (SC/ST/PwBD).
JE Gr.ll (Comm), 2024/JE53 years full-time Diploma in Electronics & Telecommunications/Telecommunication/Electronics & Communication Engineering with at least 65% marks (General/OBC(NCL)/EWS) or 60% marks (SC/ST/PwBD).
Mine Surveyor, 2024/MS6Matriculation with at least 65% marks (General/OBC(NCL)/EWS) or 60% marks (SC/ST/PwBD) and Surveyor’s certificate of competency issued by DGMS.

Selection Process

Eligible candidates will have to undergo a Computer Based Test (CBT). Based on the merit and vacancy requirement, the list of successful candidates for document verification will be made available at DVC Website.

The written test shall be of Objective Type (each question shall have four answer options) of two hours duration consisting of two parts:

  1. Part-I: General Aptitude Test (GAT) on vocabulary, verbal comprehension, quantitative aptitude, reasoning ability, data sufficiency and interpretation, numerical ability, etc.
  2. Part-II: Technical Knowledge Test (TKT) having specific questions from the respective discipline.

Qualifying Criteria in Written Test

Vacancy ReservationQualifying Criteria
Gen/OBC(NCL)/EWS50% of Total marks in Each part (Part-I & Part-II)
SC/ST/PwBD40% of Total marks in Each part (Part-I & Part-II)

Application Fee

Candidates must ensure that payment of ₹300/- is made at one go. Amounts less than ₹300/- will not be accepted as the application fee.

Important Instructions on How to Apply

Candidates have to register themselves ONLINE at the DVC website www.dvc.gov.in under Career -> Recruitment -> Recruitment Notices.

Important Dates:

  • Commencement of ONLINE Submission of Application: 05/06/2024
  • Closing Date for ONLINE Submission of Application: 04/07/2024 (Till 23:59 hrs)
  • Availability of Admit Cards on Website / Date of Written Test (CBT): Shall be notified later on the DVC website only.

For any technical queries, candidates can contact:

  • Technical Queries: +91-9289484657/9717434395 (During Official working hours only, 9 AM to 6 PM)
  • Eligibility Queries: 033-6607 2539/2532
  • Email-ID: helpdesk@dvc.gov.in / recruitment@dvc.gov.in

For more details, candidates are advised to read the Detailed Advertisement/Notice carefully and ensure they fulfill the essential requirements and other conditions as mentioned in the notice.