Andhra University Syllabus 2024 BA, B.Sc, BBA, M.Sc, MCA Syllabi Download

Andhra University Syllabus

Andhra University Syllabus 2024: So as to qualify the Andhra University BA, B.Sc, BBA, M.Sc, MCA exam, you have to study through Andhra University Syllabus. So students can download the Andhra University 2024 Syllabi in the form of PDF from this page.


Andhra University conducts BA, B.Sc, BBA, M.Sc, MCA, B.Ed and other programme’s examination every year. Huge number of candidates appears in the University examination. Those students who qualify these examinations will go for the next year/semester of the courses.

Important thing To be Kept in Mind!!

Well, candidates who are preparing for under graduate and post graduate course such as BA, B.Sc, BBA, M.Sc, MCA etc can get complete detail regarding Andhra University Syllabus through this page.

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Andhra University Syllabus

Andhra University Syllabus for B.A Economics:

Semester IUNIT  I: Nature, definition and scope of Economics – Wealth, Welfare, Scarcity and modern definitions

UNIT 2: Methodology in Economics – Micro and Macro; Static and Dynamic analysis; Normative and positive science, Inductive and Deductive methods; Partial and General Equilibrium.

UNIT – 3: Utility analysis – Cardinal approach – Law of Diminishing marginal utility – Concept of consumers surplus – law of Equi marginal utility.

UNIT – 4: Demand analysis – Law of demand – Elasticity of demand – measurement of elasticity of demand – Price, Income and Cross Elasticities of demand.

UNIT -5: Indifference curve analysis – Properties of indifference curves – Price or budget line -Equilibrium of consumer with the help of indifference curves.

Semester IIUNIT  I: Production function – Concept of Cobb-Douglas production function – Law of variable proportions- law of returns to scale- Different cost concepts- Diagrammatic presentation cost curves- Revenue concepts with diagrams.

UNIT 2: Perfect competition – Price determination and equilibrium under perfect competition- Monopoly – Price determination – Price discrimination.

UNIT – 3:Monopolistic competition – Price determination – Oligopoly – Kinked demand curve approach.

UNIT – 4: Marginal Productivity theory of distribution – Theories of wage determination – Wages and collective bargaining – Concept of minimum wage.

UNIT -5: Ricardian theory of rent – Quasi rent concept of Alfred Marshall – Interest – Classical, Neo- Classical and Keynesian theories – Profit – Dynamic, Innovations, Risk and Uncertainty theories.

Press Here>>>Andhra University Economics Syllabus PDF

Andhra University Syllabus for B.A. History (Semester – I):

ISurvey of the Sources – Literary Sources- Archaeological Sources – Influence of Geography on History – Unity in Diversity – Prehistoric period – Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic cultures – Harappan Civilization: Origin, Extent, Urban Planning- Nature of Polity and Economic Organization, Society – Religious Conditions – Downfall of the Civilization
IIVedic Civilization: Vedic Literature – Early Vedic and later Vedic Civilizations –Political, Economic and Religious Conditions in the Society – Emergence of Varna and caste system – Rise of New Religious Movements: Conditions of 6th Century B.C. – Jainism – Vardhamana Mahavira. Buddhism – Gauthama Buddha.
IIIVedic Civilization: Vedic Literature – Early Vedic and later Vedic Civilizations –Political, Economic and Religious Conditions in the Society – Emergence of Varna and caste system – Rise of New Religious Movements: Conditions of 6th Century B.C. – Jainism – Vardhamana Mahavira. Buddhism – Gauthama Buddha.
IVPost – Mauryan Period in North India – Sunga. Kanva dynasties – A brief political survey of Foreign invasions – Kushan – Kanishka – The Age of Satavahanas – Brief Political History –  Gauthamiputrasatakrni  – Socio Economic Religious Cultural Developments
VAge of Guptas: Brief Political History – Development in the Gupta Period – Administrative System, Society, Economy, Art, Architecture. Literature, Science and Technology – Golden Age of Guptas – Post Gupta Period: Achievements of Harshavardhana – Hiuen Tsang.

Press Here>> Andhra University History Syllabus PDF

Andhra University Syllabus For all B.A./B.Sc./B.Com programs with no computer course as core subject:

I Year Theory Paper-1:

Introduction to Computers:

Unit 1st: Exploring Computers:
Exploring Computers and their uses:

Overview: Computers in our world, The computer defined, Computers for individual users, Computers for organizations, Computers in society, Why are computers so important.

Looking inside the computer system:

Overview: Detecting the ultimate machine, The parts of a computer system, The information processing cycle, Essential computer hardware: processing devices, memory devices, Input and output devices, Storage devices, System software, Application software, Computer data, Computer   users.

Using the keyboard and mouse:

Overview: The keyboard and mouse, The keyboard, How the computer accepts input from the keyboard, The mouse, Variants of the mouse, Ergonomics and input devices.

Inputting data in other ways:

Overview: Options for every need and preference, Devices for hand, optical input devices, Audio-visual input devices.

Video and Sound:

Overview: Reaching our senses with sight and sound, Monitors, Ergonomics and monitors, Data projectors, Sound systems.

Unit-2 : Storage Devices and Operating System Basics:

Overview: putting digital content in your hands, Commonly used printers, High-quality printers, Thermal-wax printers, Dye-sublimation printers, Plotters.

Transforming data into information:

Overview: The difference between data and information, How computers represent data, How computers process data, Machine cycles, Memory, Factors effecting processing speed, The computer’s internal clock, The Bus, Cache memory.

Types of storage devices:

Overview: An ever-growing need, Categorizing storage devices, Magnetic storage devices— How data is stored on a disk, How data is organized on a magnetic disk, How the operating system finds data on a disk, Diskettes, hard disks, Removable high-capacity magnetic disks, Tape drivers, Optical storage devices, Solid-state storage devices, Smart cards, Solid-state disks

Operating system basics :

Overview: The purpose of operating systems, Types of operating systems, Providing a user interface, Running programs, Managing hardware, Enhancing an OS utility software.

Networking Basics:

Overview: Sharing data anywhere, anytime, The uses of a network, Common types of networks, Hybrid networks, How networks are structured, Network topologies and protocols, Network media, Network hardware.

Unit-3 : Data Communications and Computer Programs:
Data Communications:

Overview: The local and global reach of networks, Data communications with standard telephone lines and modems, Modems, uses for a modem, Using digital data connections, Broad band connections, Wireless networks.

Productivity Software:

Overview: Software to accomplish the work of life, Acquiring software, Commercial software, Freeware and public domain software, Open-source software, Word processing programs, Spreadsheet programs, Presentation programs, Presenting information managers.

Database management Systems:

Overview: The mother of all computer applications, Databases and Database Management Systems, Working with a database.

Creating Computer programs:

Overview: What is a computer program, Hardware/Software interaction, Code, machine code, programming languages, Compilers and interpreters, Planning a computer program, How programs solve problems.

Programming languages and the programming process:

Overview: The keys to successful programming, The evolution of programming languages, World wide web development languages, The Systems development life cycle for programming.

Unit-4 : MS-Word:
Word Basics:

Starting word, Creating a new document, Opening preexisting document, The parts of a word window, Typing text, Selecting text, Deleting text, Undo, Redo, Repeat, Inserting text, Replacing text, Formatting text, Cut , Copy, Paste – Formatting Text and Documents : Auto format, Line spacing, Margins, Borders and Shading.

Headers and Footers:

Definition of headers and footers, creating basic headers and footers, creating different headers and footers for odd and even pages.


Creating a simple table, Creating a table using the table menu, Entering and editing text in a table, selecting in table, adding rows, changing row heights, Deleting rows, Inserting columns, Deleting columns, changing column width.


Importing graphics, Clipart, Insert picture, Clip Art Gallery, using word’s drawing features, drawing objects, text in drawing.


Template types, using templates, exploring templates, modifying templates.


Macro, Record in macros, editing macros, running a macro.

Mail Merge:

Mail Merge concept, Main document, data sources, merging data source and main document, Overview of word menu options word basic tool bar.

Get Here: 5 Tips To Complete Exam On Time

Unit-5 : Ms-Power Point:
Power Point:
Basics, Terminology, Getting started, Views
Creating Presentations:

Using auto content wizard, Using blank presentation option, Using design template option, Adding slides, Deleting a slide, Importing Images from the outside world, Drawing in power point, Transition and build effects, Deleting a slide, Numbering a slide, Saving presentation, Closing presentation, Printing presentation elements.

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Andhra University Syllabus 2024:

Andhra University Syllabus for BSc MathsGet Here
Andhra University Syllabus for BSc PhysicsGet Here
Andhra University Syllabus for BSc ChemistryGet Here
Andhra University Syllabus for BBA II & III YrsGet Here
Andhra University Syllabus for BCAGet Here
Andhra University Syllabus for BSc Electronics I & II YrsGet Here
Andhra University Syllabus for B.Com ComputersGet Here

How to Check Andhra University Syllabus?

  • Interested aspirants should visit the official website of the organization.
  • Official website of organization is
  • Go to Academics section from taskbar of homepage
  • Select syllabus from the list.
  • After that, select an appropriate link of required course for which you want to apply for.
  • Then, Choose an option from PDF Format or word format
  • Syllabus will appear on your screen.
  • At last, Save and download Andhra University Syllabus for exam use.


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