JIWAJI University Syllabus 2024 I/II/III/IV/V Sem Wise B.Com/M.Com/BCA Syllabus

JIWAJI university syllabus

JIWAJI University Syllabus 2024: Those candidates who are going to appear in the exam of the B.Com/M.Com and BCA must check the JIWAJI university syllabus before starting the preparation. They can get the semester wise syllabus with the help of this page.


Organization NameJIWAJI university

Jiwaji University Result 

JIWAJI University provides many professional courses and degree to those students who are studying in the university. JIWAJI University has completed the 47 years of growth. Students must get the other details regarding JIWAJI university syllabus 2024 from this page which is created by team of https://goldeneraeducation.com

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JIWAJI university syllabus

JIWAJI University BCA Syllabus


CalculusDefinition of a function,
Types of Functions
Rolles theorem
First and Second Mean value theorems
Taylor’s theorem
Successive differentiation
Leibnitz Theorem
Taylor’s & Maclaurin’s series
Intermediate forms
Tests for Concavity and Convexity
Points of Inflexion
Multiple Points
Tracing of Curves in cartesian and polar co-ordinates.
Information TechnologyComputer system concepts
Computer system characteristics,
Capabilities and limitations
Types of computers Analog
Special Purpose
Computer hardware
Internet & E- CommerceInternet & Its services
Web Server and Web Client
Difference between the web and the internet
Data Transmission Protocols
client/Server Architecture & its Characteristics
text chat
An Introduction to Internet Explorer
Problem solving using ‘C’Program Concept
Flow Charts
expression Operator
Categories Of Functions User Defined And Library Function
PC PackagesScreen description & working styles of Windows
Creating Word Documents
Using Templates
Creating an Outline
Modifying an Outline
Creating Outlines in Word

Look Here: Jiwaji University Time Table

How To Download JIWAJI University Syllabus 2024:

  • To download the jiwaji university syllabus 2024, candidates should follow the steps that are written in below section.
  • First of all candidates should visit the Official website of the organization which is www.jiwaji.edu
  • After that you need to hit the “Syllabus” link which is located at the home page of the official website.
  • Then you are required to press the appropriate link you want to download the syllabus for.
  • By hitting the right link your jiwaji university distance education syllabus will be open on your computer screen.
  • Aspirants can download it on their computer screen and go through it.

Jiwaji University Admit Card

Direct links to download JIWAJI university syllabus

JIWAJI university syllabus for BCAHit Here
Syllabus for M.com 1st semesterHit Here
Syllabus for M.com II semesterHit Here
Syllabus for M.com III semesterHit Here
M.com Syllabus for IV semesterHit Here
JIWAJI university syllabus MBA full timeHit Here
MBA II SemesterHit Here
MBA IV SemesterHit Here
JIWAJI university LLB syllabusHit Here

JIWAJI University Exam:

JIWAJI University, gwalior offers various courses like BA/B.SC/MA/M.SC/MBA/MCA/B.ed etc, and conducts the exam semester wise. The university has gained the four star status for their work and education. Those candidates who are successfully qualified the previous semester will go for the next semester. So they should start their preparation according to the given syllabus. They can hit the direct link available on this page or can check the semester wise syllabus.