Kurukshetra University Syllabus 2024: Download Kurukshetra University Syllabus PDF for B.Tech /B.Ed /MBA /MCA /MSC courses. Candidates who are pursuing their study from KUK and are enrolled in any UG / PG courses such as B.Tech /B.Ed /MBA /MCA /MSC etc can check their syllabus from here. Aspirants can also check or download their syllabus in PDF file for preparation of exams through online process.
Syllabus For Master Of Computer Applications ((Semester- I)
Programming In C |
UNIT – I Overview of C: Structure & Memory Layout of C Program; Elements of C, Data types; Storage classes in C: auto, extern, register and static storage class; Header files: Using pre-defined and user-defined header files, Operators: Arithmetic, relational, logical, bitwise, unary, assignment and conditional operators, side effects, precedence & associativity of operators. |
UNIT – II Input/output: Unformatted & formatted I/O function in C. Control statements: Sequencing, Selection: if statement, switch statement; Repetition: for, while, and do-while loop; break, continue, goto statements. Functions: Definition, prototype, parameters passing techniques, recursion, built-in functions. |
UNIT – III Arrays: Definition, types, initialization, processing an array, passing arrays to functions, returning arrays from functions, String handling. Pointers: Declaration, operations on pointers, pointers and arrays, dynamic memory allocation, pointers and functions, pointers and strings. |
UNIT – IV Structure & Union: Definition, processing, Structure and pointers, passing structures to functions, use of union. Data files: Opening and closing a file, I/O operations on files, Error handling during I/O operation, Random access to files. Preprocessor commands and Macro definitions. |
Computer Organization |
UNIT – I Digital Logic Fundamentals: Boolean algebra–basic functions, manipulating Boolean functions, K-maps and Quine McCluskey procedures. Combination Logic–multiplexers, decoders, encoders, comparators, adders & subtractors, BCD-to-Seven segment decoder. Basic Sequential Circuits–Flipflops (RS, JK, T-type and D-Type), Ripple counter, Shift Register. |
UNIT – II Basic Computer Organization: Generic computer organization – system bus, instruction cycle, timing diagram of memory read and write operations, CPU organization, memory subsystem organization and interfacing – types of memory, chip organization, memory subsystem configuration, multibyte data organization, I/O subsystem organization and interfacing, memory subsystem configuration. Register Transfer Language (RTL): different types of micro-operations, using RTL to specify digital systems – specification of digital components, simple systems, Modulo-6 counter. |
UNIT – III CPU Design: design and implementation of simple CPU-fetching, decoding & executing instruction, establishing required data paths, designing hardwired control unit. Microsequencer Control Unit Design: microsequencer operations, microinstruction formats, design and implementation of a simple microsequencer, reducing number of microinstructions. |
UNIT – IV Memory Organization: Hierarchical memory system, associative memory, cache memory – associative, direct and set associative mappings, replacing & writing data in cache, cache performance, virtual memory – paging, segmentation, memory protection. I/O Organization: Asynchronous data transfer. |
Software Engineering |
UNIT – I Introduction: Software Crisis-problem and causes, Software Processes, Software life cycle models: Waterfall, Prototype, Evolutionary and Spiral models, Overview of Quality Standards like ISO 9001, SEI-CMM, CMMI, PCMM, Six Sigma. Software Metrics: Size Metrics like LOC, Token Count, Function Count, Design Metrics, Data Structure Metrics, Information Flow Metrics, cyclomatic complexity, Halstead Complexity measures. |
UNIT – II Software Project Planning: Cost estimation, static, Single and multivariate models, COCOMO model, Putnam Resource Allocation Model, Risk management, project scheduling, personnel planning, team structure, Software configuration management, quality assurance, project monitoring. Software Requirement Analysis and Specifications: Structured Analysis, Data Flow Diagrams, Data Dictionaries, Entity-Relationship diagrams, Software Requirement and Specifications, Behavioral and non-behavioral requirements. |
UNIT – III Software Design: Design fundamentals, problem partitioning and abstraction, design methodology, Cohesion & Coupling, Function Oriented Design and User Interface Design. Coding: Programming style, structured programming. Software reliability: Metric and specification, Musa and JM reliability model, fault avoidance and tolerance, exception handling, defensive programming. |
UNIT – IV Software Testing: Functional testing: Boundary Value Analysis, Equivalence class testing, Cause effect graphing, Structural testing: Control flow based and data flow based testing, loop testing, mutation testing, load, stress and performance testing, software testing strategies: unit testing, integration testing, System testing, Alpha and Beta testing, debugging. Static Testing: Formal Technical Reviews, Walk Through. |
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Syllabus For B.Sc. Chemistry (Semester- I)
Paper-I: Inorganic Chemistry (Theory)
Section – A |
Atomic Structure:Idea of de Broglie matter waves, Heinsenberg’s uncertainty principle, atomic orbitals, quantum numbers, radial and angular wave functions, normal and orthogonal wave functions, significance of Ψ and Ψ2, probability distribution curves, shapes of s, p, d, f orbitals, Aufbau and Pauli exclusion principles, Hund’s multiplicity rules, Electronic configuration of elements, effective nuclear charge, Slater’s rules.Periodic table and atomic properties:Classification of periodic table into s, p, d, f blocks, atomic and ionic radii, ionisation energy, electron affinity and electronegativity definition, methods of determination or evaluation, trend in periodic table (in s and p-block elements), Pauling , Mulliken, Allred Rachow and Mulliken Jaffe’s electronegativity scale, Sanderson’s electron density ratio. |
Section – B |
Covalent Bond:Valence bond theory (Heitler-London and Pauling approach) and its limitation, directional characteristics of covalent bond, various type of hybridisation andshapes of simple inorganic molecules and ions (BeF2, BF3, CH4, PF5, SF6, IF7, SO4-2, ClO4-1, NO3-1) valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) theory to NH3, H3O+, SF4, ClF3, H2O, SnCl2, ClO3-1and ICl2-1. Molecular orbital theory of homonuclear (N2, O2) heteronuclear (CO and NO) diatomic molecules and ions, bond energy, bond angle, bond length and dipole moments, percentage ionic character from dipole moment and electronegativity difference.Ionic Solids:Ionic structures (NaCl, CsCl, ZnS (Zinc blende), CaF2) size effects, radius ratio rule and its limitations, Madelung constant, Stoichiometric and Non stoichiometric defects in crystals, Lattice energy (mathematical derivation excluded) and Born- Haber cycle, Solvation energy and its relation with solubility of Ionic solids, Polarizing power and Polarisability of ions, Fajan’s rule. |
Discrete Mathematical Structures |
UNIT – I Set Theory: Basic Set Theory, Operations on Sets, Algebra of sets, Venn Diagrams. Relations: Binary Relations, Complement of relations, Inverse of relations, Composite relations, Properties, Equivalence, Partial Order and Total order relations. Functions: Functions on Set, Domain, Co-domain, Representation of Functions, Types, Identity and Inverse Functions, Composition of Functions, Applications |
UNIT –II Propositional Calculus: Propositional logic, Equivalences, Predicates , Quantifiers, Nested Quantifiers, Rules of Inference, Normal Forms, Proofs: Methods, Strategy. Counting: Pigeonhole Principle, Inclusion-Exclusion Principle, Permutations and Combinations, Binomial Coefficients, Counting Principles, Applications. |
UNIT –III Advanced Counting Techniques: Recurrence Relations, Solving Recurrence Relations, Divide and Conquer Algorithms and Recurrence Relations, Solution of Recurrence Relations by the method of Generating Function.. Latices and boolean algebra: Lattices, Hasse Diagram, Principle of Duality, Types of Lattices, Special Lattices, Boolean Expression, Equivalent circuits, Dual, Normal Forms. |
UNIT –IV Graphs: Introduction, Terminology, Types of Graphs, Representation of Graphs, Paths and Circuits, Cut-set and Cut – Vertices, Graph Isomorphism, Homomorphism, Connectivity, Bipartite Graphs, Subgraphs, Operations on Graphs, Euler and Hamiltonian Paths, Shortest Path Problem, Planar & Dual Graphs, Coloring Covering and Partitioning. Tree: Tree Notations, Properties of tree, Types of Tree, Minimum Spanning Tree (MST). |
Computer Oriented Numerical And Statistical Methods |
UNIT – I Iterative Methods: Bisection, False position, Newton-Raphson methods, Discussion of convergences. Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations and ordinary Differential Equations: Gauss elimination method, Ill-conditioned equations, Gauss-Seidal iterative method. Interpolation: Polynomial interpolation, Difference tables, Inverse interpolation. |
UNIT – II Ordinary Differential Equations: Euler method, Euler’s Modified Method, Taylor-Series Method, Runge- Kutta method, Predictor-Corrector methods. Numerical Differentiation and Integration: Differentiation formulae based on polynomial fit, Pitfalls in differentiation, Trapezoidal, Simpson’s rules. Curve Fitting: Polynomial fitting and other curve fitting. |
UNIT – III Approximation of functions: Approximation of functions by Taylor series and Chebyshev polynomials. Statistics: Frequency distributions, Measures of central tendency, dispersion, moments, skewness and kurtosis. Binomial, Poisson and Normal distributions. Correlation and Regression. |
UNIT – IV Statistical methods: Sample distributions, Test of Significance: Chi-Square Test, T and F test. Analysis of Variance: One-way classification, ANOVA Table, Two-way classification (with one observation per cell). Time Series Analysis: Components and Analysis of Time Series, Measurement of Trend, Seasonal fluctuations and cyclic movement |
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Syllabus For B. Tech. Mechanical Engineering (Auto) (Semester- V)
Paper-I Microprocessors and Applications
Unit I |
Introduction To Microprocessors And Microcontrollers: Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, Number Systems and Binary arithmetic, Microprocessor Architecture (8085 and 8086) and Microcomputer Systems, memory map and addressing, memory classification, review of logic device for interfacing, Memory Interfacing, Overview of 8085 Instruction Set, stacks and Interrupts |
Unit II |
The 8051 Architecture: 8051 Microcontroller hardware, oscillator and clock, Prog. Counter and Data Pointer, Registers and Program Status word, Internal Memory RAM, Stack and Stack Pointer, Special Function Registers, Internal ROM. Input / Output Pins, Ports and Circuits, External Memory, Counters and Timers, Serial Data Input and Output, Interrupts. |
Unit III |
Assembly Language & Programming The 8051:Assembly Language programming, Programming the 8051, Moving Data, Logical Operations, Arithmetic Operations, Branching Operations, Interrupts. |
Unit IV |
Microcontroller 8051 design: Microcontroller specification and Design, External Memory and Memory space decoding, Memory – mapped I/O, Memory Access times, Timing Subroutines, Lookup Tables for 8051, Serial Data Transmission. Interfacing Peripheral Devices To 8051 And Applications: Interfacing A/D Converters and D/A Converters, 8255, 8259. Application to interfacing Scanned Displays, Matrix Keyboard, Memory Design, Data Acquisition System Design. |
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Syllabus for M.Sc Electronic Science (Semester- I)
Paper I Mathematical & Computational Techniques in Electronics
Unit I |
Role of simulation in IC design, DC Analysis of linear networks, Node analysis, Loop analysis, Hybrid formulation techniques, 2b Method, Tableau Method, Modified node analysis, Transient analysis of linear and non-linear circuits, Possible formulation techniques, Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations, Associated circuit models for inductors and capacitors, Use of associated circuit models. |
Unit II |
DC analysis of Non-Linear circuits, DC analysis of Non-linear equation in one unknown, Newton- Raphson techniques for many variables, Linearised equivalent for Newton-Raphson technique, General Consideration in solving Non-linear Circuits, Network graphs: basic concepts, formation of incidence matrix and its properties, Cut set matrix, State variable analysis: Introduction, State Space model, State- Space model applicable for electrical circuits. |
Unit III |
Laplace transforms: Definition, Fundamental rules, Operational methods in applied mathematics; Integral transform, Application of the operational calculus to the solution of partial differential equations, Evaluation of integrals, Laplace transforms of periodic functions, Applications of the Laplace transform to the solution of linear integral equations, Systems of linear differential equations with constant coefficient, solving electrical circuits using Laplace transform. |
Unit IV |
Digital signal analysis, Continuous and discrete-time signal, sampling theorem, Fourier series, Examples of Fourier expansions of functions, Fourier transform and its properties, applications of Fourier transform in circuit analysis, Discrete Fourier transform and its properties, DFT and Fourier transform, Relation to the Fourier transform: Aliasing, DFT and Fourier series, Fast Fourier transform, Redundancy in the DFT, Z-transform: definition, Z-transforms of some common sequences, Properties of the Z-transforms |
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