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Nausena Bharti Syllabus 2024 SSR/MR/NMR Model Papers

Nausena Bharti Syllabus

Nausena Bharti Syllabus 2024: Let’s prepare with Revised Nausena Bharti Syllabus: Download Here!!! Indian Navy conducts Nausena Bharti Recruitment exam time to time for selection to various Posts of SSR, MR and NMR etc. Those candidates who are going to prepare for recruitment exam and looking for the Nausena Bharti Exam Syllabus, so here on this page you may get the complete syllabus along with Nausena Bharti Model Papers which will help you to get success in exam. Contenders have to face written exam for Indian Navy Sailor Recruitment to make their career in Indian Navy.

Name of conducting Body Indian Navy
Exam Name Indian Navy Sailor Exam for Nausena Bharti Recruitment
Nausena Bharti Syllabus Available Here

Nausena Bharti 2024 Syllabus for Artificer Apprentices & Senior Secondary Recruits and Matric Recruits are well structured on this page. Go through this latest updated Nausena Bharti Syllabus 2024 syllabus and prepare accordingly. For obtaining more details about Nausena Bharti Exam Syllabus, candidates may go through the below section of this page of

Know Here: How To Make Career In Indian Navy

Nausena Bharti Syllabus

Artificer Apprentices And Senior Secondary Recruits Syllabus


Sr. No. Subjects
1. Physical World and Measurement
2. Kinematics,
3. Laws of Motion,
4. Work, Energy and Power
5. Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body / Gravitation
6. Mechanics of Solids and Fluids
7. Heat
8. Thermodynamics
9. Oscillations
10. Waves
11. Electrostatics, Current Electricity
12. Magnetic Effect of Current and Magnetism,
13. Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current,
14. Electromagnetic Waves
15. Optics
16. Dual Nature of Matter and Radiations
17. Atomic Nucleus / Solid and Semi-Conductor Devices
18. Principles of Communication
19. Metals and Non Metals
20. Organic Chemistry
21. Food, Nutrition and Health,
22. Physiology and Human Diseases,
23. Computer Science
Start Test General Science Quiz Questions With Answers


S.No. Subjects
1. Relations and Functions
2. Logarithms
3. Complex Numbers
4. Quadratic Equations
5. Sequences and Series
6. Trigonometry
7. Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates
8. Straight Lines Family of Straight Lines
9. Circles
10. Conic Sections
11. Permutations and Combinations
12. Vectors
13. Exponential and Logarithmic Series
14. Sets and Set Theory
15. Statistics
16. Introduction to three-dimensional Geometry
17. Probability Function
18. Limits and Continuity
19. Differentiation
20. Applications of Derivatives
21. Indefinite Integrals Binomial Theorem
22. Matrices
23. Determinants
24. Definite Integrals
Math Online Quiz Start Your Test


S.No. Subjects
1. Passage
2. Preposition
3. Correction of sentences
4. Change active to passive/passive to active voice
5. Change direct to indirect/indirect to dire
6. Verbs/Tense/Non Finites
7. Punctuation
8. Substituting phrasal verbs for expression
9. Synonyms and Antonyms
10. Meanings of difficult words
11. Use of adjective
12. Compound preposition
13. Determiners
14. Use of pronouns
English Preparation Tips
English Preparation for Competitive Exams

General Awareness:

Sr. No. Subjects
1. Culture and Religion
2. Geography: Soil, Rivers, Mountains, Ports, Inland Harbours, Freedom Movement
3. Sports : championships /Winners / Terms / No of Players, Defence, Wars and Neighbours, Current Affairs
4. Important National Facts about India
5. Heritage and Arts,
6. Dance
7. History
8. Languages
9. Capitals and Currencies
10. National : Bird /Animal / Sport /Flower / Anthem / Song / Flag /Monuments, Eminent, Personalities
11. Common Names
12. Full forms and Abbreviations
13. Discoveries
14. Diseases and Nutrition
15. Award and Authors
GK Questions with Answers
Preparation Tips

Syllabus For Matric Recruits


Sr. No. Subjects
1. Nature of Matter,
2. Universe ( Planets / Earth / Satellites / Sun )
3. Electricity and its applications
4. Force and Gravitation
5. Newton’s laws
6. Motion, Relative velocity
7. Work
8. Energy and power
9. Heat – Transference / Fire / Temperature
10. Light
11. Elements
12. Metals and non metals
13. Carbon and its compounds
14. Food
15. nutrition and Health / Diseases
16. Physiology
17. Measurements in Science
18. Environment
19. Sound & Wave motion
20. Atomic structure
Physics Online Quiz
Chemistry Online Test
Biology Online Test


S.No. Subjects
1. Passage for Comprehension
2. Preposition.
3. Change direct to indirect/indirect to direct.
4. Change active to passive/passive to active voice.
5. Determiners (Used of ‘a’, ‘the’, ‘any’ etc.)
6. Use of Pronouns, Use of Adjectives
7. Use of Verbs
8. Tenses
9. One word substitution
10. Meanings of difficult words
11. Opposite of words

Prepare for the Exam: English Language Test


S.No. Subjects
1. Mathematical Simplification
2. Ratio
3. Proportion
4. Direct and indirect variation
5. Algebraic identities
6. Linear equations and Polynomials
7. Simultaneous equations
8. Basic Trigonometry
9. Simple Mensuration
10. Logic and Missing patterns
11. Basic Set theory, Geometry
12. Measures of central tendency (Average, Median and Mode )
13. Interest
14. Profit
15. Loss and Percentage
16. Work
17. Time
18. Speed and Distance

Must Solve These: Maths Questions and Answers

General Awareness:

Sr. No. Subjects
1. Geography: Soil, Rivers, Mountains, Ports, Inland Harbours
2. Sports : Championships / Winners / Terms / No of Players
3. Culture and Religion
4. Freedom Movement
5. Important National Facts about India
6. Heritage and Arts
7. Dance
8. History
9. Defence
10. Wars and Neighbours
11. Awards and Authors
12. Discoveries
13. Diseases and Nutrition
14. Current Affairs
15. Languages
16. Capitals and Currencies
17. Common Names
18. Full forms and Abbreviations
19. Eminent Personalities
20. National : Bird / Animal / Sport / Flower / Anthem / Song / Flag / Monuments

Check Here: Latest Current News & Affairs

Nausena Bharti MR Syllabus


  • Nature of Matter, Universe (Planets/ Earth/ Satellites/ Sun), Electricity and its applications
  • Force and Gravitation, Newton’s laws, Motion, Relative velocity, Work, Energy and power
  • Heat – Transference/ Fire/ Temperature, Light, Elements, metals and non metals
  • Carbon and its compounds, Food, nutrition and Health/ Diseases, Physiology
  • Measurements in Science, Environment, Sound & Wave motion, Atomic structure


  • Mathematical Simplification, ratio, proportion, direct and indirect variation, Algebraic identities
  • Linear equations and Polynomials, Simultaneous equations, Basic Trigonometry
  • Simple Mensuration, Logic and Missing patterns, Basic Set theory, Geometry
  • Measures of central tendency (Average, Median and Mode)
  • Interest, Profit, Loss and Percentage, Work, Time, Speed and Distance


  • Passage for Comprehension, Preposition. Change into Direct/Indirect speech
  • Change into active/passive voice, Punctuation
  • Determiners (Used of ‘a’, ‘the’, ‘any’ etc.), Use of Pronouns, Use of Adjectives
  • Use of Verbs, Tenses, One word substitution
  • Meaning of Difficult words, Opposite of words

General Knowledge/ General Awareness:

  • Geography- Soil, Rivers, Mountains, Ports, Inland Harbours, Sports- Championships/ Winners/ Terms/ Number of Players
  • Culture and Religion, Freedom Movement, Important National Facts about India, Heritage and Arts, Dance
  • History, Defence, Wars and Neighbours, Awards and Authors, Discoveries, Diseases and
  • Nutrition
  • Current Affairs, Languages, Capitals and Currencies, Common Names, Full forms and Abbreviations
  • Eminent Personalities, National- Bird/ Animal/ Sport/ Flower/ Anthem/ Song/ Flag/ Monuments

Read All:General Knowledge Questions and answers

Nausena Bharti NMR Syllabus:


  • Ratio and proportion
  • Simplification, Basic Operation
  • Percentage, Average,
  • Area of Circle / Square, Fraction

General Awareness:

  • National: Bird / Animal / Sport / Flower / Anthem / Song / Flag / Monuments, Sports : championships / Winners / Terms / No of Players, Culture and Religion, Geography : Soil, Rivers, Mountains, Ports, Inland Harbours, Languages, Capitals and Currencies, Eminent Personalities.
  • Important National Facts about India, Heritage and Arts, Dance, Common Names, Full forms and Abbreviations, History, Awards and Authors, Defence, Wars and Neighbours, Discoveries, Diseases and Nutrition, Current Affairs, Freedom Movement.
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For Matric Recruit (MR):

  • Exam Pattern Matric Recruit Written Exam question paper will comprise of four sections that is English, Science, Mathematics and General Knowledge.
  • Question Paper will be of 01 hour duration.

For Non Matric Recruit (NMR):

  • In case of Non Matric Recruit entry, the question paper will comprise of two sections that is Mathematics and General Knowledge of 40 minutes duration.
  • The question paper will consist of objective type questions and will be set both in English and Hindi.
  • Candidates are required to pass in all sections and in aggregate.

Indian Navy releases the various notifications time to time to hire qualified and interested candidates. Candidates who want to make their career in defense sector, they first qualify the written exam. Those who will qualify the written exam they may appear for Physical Fitness Test, Medical Test etc. Final selection will be done on the basis of their performance in Personal Interview.

Simple and easy steps to download Nausena Bharti Syllabus:

  • To download Nausena Bharti Syllabus you need to visit official web portal of organization which is
  • After reaching to home page you need to follow “Careers & Jobs” tab from top menu bar of homepage.
  • Now you need to hit on “Become A Sailor>>SSR/AR/MR/NMR” link (as per your search).
  • Then you need to press on the link of “Written Examination Syllabus” from next opened page to download Indian Navy Sailor Syllabus In PDF.
  • Within few seconds Syllabus will be opened in PDF form will appear on your screen.
  • In the last step download Nausena Bharti Syllabus PDF and get printout of same to.
  • Now you can start preparation according to latest Nausena Bharti Syllabus.

Nausena Bharti Model Papers

Que-1: A placed three sheets with two carbons to get two extra copies of the original. Then he decided to get more carbon copies and folded the paper in such a way that the upper half of the sheets was on top of the lower half. Then he typed. How many carbon copies did he get?

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

Ans. B

Que-2: When Dharendra was born, his father was 32 years older than his brother and his mother was 25 years older than his sister. If Dhrendra’s brother is 6 years older than him and his mother is 3 years younger than his father, how old was Dharendra’s sister when he was born?

  1. 5 years
  2. 8 years
  3. 10 years
  4. 14 years

Ans. C

Que-3: What is 35% of a number if 12 is 15% of a number?

  1. 5
  2. 12
  3. 28
  4. 33

Ans. C

Que-4: What does the Olympic Flame symbolize?

  1. Zeal to play sports
  2. Challenge
  3. Continuity
  4. Integrity

Ans. C

Que-5: Which among the following Ministries of India publishes the Employment News?

  1. Ministry of Labour & Employment
  2. Ministry of Communication
  3. Ministry of Information & Broadcasting
  4. Ministry of Education

Ans. C

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Que-6: The total valley area covered by Damodar Valley Corporation is approximately 24,235 sq. km. In which among the following states this area is spread?

  1. Jharkhand only
  2. Jharkhand & West Bengal
  3. Jharkhand & Bihar
  4. Jharkhand, Odisha, West Bengal

Ans. B

Que-7: Who among the following were the last belligerents against whom Mohammad Ghori had led a campaign?

  1. Khokhars
  2. Gohils
  3. Baghelas
  4. Bhattis

Ans. A

Que-8: She is a healthy girl, she always uses to go for morning walk.

  1. Using to go
  2. Is going
  3. Has gone
  4. Goes

Ans. D

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Que-9: We left the place only after we were promised that we would be brought to that place again.

  1. Promised that
  2. Were promised to
  3. Had promised that
  4. No correction required

Ans. D

Que-10: Some birds will fly away when the weather tuns cold.

  1. Report
  2. Climate
  3. Reason
  4. Sky

Ans. B

Que-11: A vendor bought toffees at 6 for a rupee. How many for a rupee must he sell to gain 20%?

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 5
  4. 6

Ans: C

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Que-12: Two numbers are respectively 20% and 50% more than a third number. The ratio of the two numbers is:

  1. 2 : 5
  2. 3 : 5
  3. 4 : 5
  4. 6 : 7

Ans: C

Que-13: A sum of money is to be distributed among A, B, C, D in the proportion of 5 : 2 : 4 : 3. If C gets Rs. 1000 more than D, what is B’s share?

  1. Rs. 500
  2. Rs. 1500
  3. Rs. 2000
  4. None of these

Ans: C

Que-14: The southernmost point of peninsular India, that is, Kanyakumari, is

  1. north of Tropic of Cancer
  2. south of the Equator
  3. south of the Capricorn
  4. north of the Equator

Ans: D

Que-15: The only state in India that produces saffron is

  1. Assam
  2. Himachal Pradesh
  3. Jammu and Kashmir
  4. Meghalaya

Ans: C

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Que-16: Extreme old age when a man behaves like a fool

  1. Imbecility
  2. Senility
  3. Dotage
  4. Superannuation

Ans: C

Que-17: The only private sector refinery set up by Reliance Petroleum Ltd. is located at

  1. Guwahati
  2. Jamnagar
  3. Mumbai
  4. Chennai

Ans: B

Que-18: A person who insists on something

  1. Disciplinarian
  2. Stickler
  3. Instantaneous
  4. Boaster

Ans: B

Que-19: The territory of Porus who offered strong resistance to Alexander was situated between the rivers of

  1. Sutlej and Beas
  2. Jhelum and Chenab
  3. Ravi and Chenab
  4. Ganga and Yamuna

Ans: B

Que-20: The trident-shaped symbol of Buddhism does not represent

  1. Nirvana
  2. Sangha
  3. Buddha
  4. Dhamma

Ans: A

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This post was last modified on 2024-08-30 7:53 pm

B.L Rakhla

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