Candidates preparing for HPSC Exams can now download HPSC Syllabus for the posts of Assistant District Attorney and Deputy District Attorney in Prosecution Department. Check this page to get the complete syllabus Pdf file to outlook Subject-Wise Exam Pattern.
Haryana Public Service Commission is set to conduct the written examination for HPSC ADA/DDA posts soon. Therefore, the concerned candidates need to go through the complete HPSC Syllabus in order to prepare according to the prescribed HPSC exam pattern.
Haryana PSC Syllabus Pdf for ADA/DDA Exams:
Aspirants can view the complete Syllabus for Assistant District Attorney and Deputy District Attorney Examination given in Haryana PSC Syllabus 2024 Pdf. It will guide you towards effective preparation and enhance your performance in the aforesaid exams.
Go through the page well developed by the team of to get complete HPSC Syllabus 2024 and accurate exam pattern for HPSC ADA/DDA posts. Please have a look below and download the HPSC Exam Pattern and Syllabus 2024.
HPSC Exam Overview:
Name of the Organization | Haryana Public Service Commission |
Examination Name | Assistant District Attorney (Group-B) Recruitment Test |
Last Date of Application | July, 2024 |
Exam Date | To be Notified Soon |
HPSC ADA Syllabus
The Recruitment test for the post of HPSC Assistant District Attorney includes four categories of subjects, namely, Civil Law, Criminal Law, General Awareness and English Language.
HPSC ADA Syllabus for Civil Law:
Check Here: The Secrets” – Toppers Don’t Share With Anyone
HPSC ADA Syllabus for Criminal Law:
There will be questions from General Awareness and English Language.
Note: HPSC ADA Syllabus for General Awareness and English is same as mentioned under General awareness and English column for HPSC नायब तहसीलदार Syllabus down in this page.
Hit Here: Download Haryana PSC Syllabus for ADA
HPSC DDA Syllabus
Same as for HPSC ADA Recruitment exam, Syllabus for Assistant District Attorney Haryana also includes subjects such as Civil Law, Criminal Law, General Awareness and English Language.
HPSC DDA Syllabus for Civil Law:
Check Here- Are Ebooks Really Helpful
HPSC DDA Syllabus for Criminal Law:
Get Here: Best Preparation Books
Note: HPSC DDA Syllabus for General Awareness and English is same as mentioned under General awareness and English column for HPSC नायब तहसीलदार Syllabus down in this page
Hit Here: Download HPSC Syllabus for DDA
HPSC नायब तहसीलदार Syllabus:
HPSC Naib Tehsildar Syllabus For General Awareness:
Know Here: 5 Common Mistake Students Makes In Exam
HPSC Syllabus For Reasoning Ability & English:
Reasoning | Reasoning Ability |
Arithmetical Reasoning | Sentence Improvement |
Directions | One Word Substitution |
Embedded Figures | Fill in the blanks |
Non-Verbal Series | Idioms and Phrases |
Clocks & Calendars | Error Correction(Underlined Part) |
Statements & Arguments | Para Completion |
Analogy | Antonyms |
Blood Relations | Joining Sentences |
Alphabet Series | Active Voice and Passive Voice |
Data Interpretation | Synonyms |
Number Ranking | Spotting Errors |
Decision Making | Sentence Completion |
Coding-Decoding | Error Correction (Phrase in Bold) |
Syllogism | Passage Completion |
Number Series | Prepositions |
Mirror Images | Sentence Arrangement |
Cubes and Dice | – |
Statements & Conclusions | – |
Check Here: How Students Can Manage Their Study Timing
HPSC 2024 Syllabus For Quantative Aptitude:
HPSC Naib Tehsildar Exam Pattern
Sr. No. | Subjects Involved |
1 | General Awareness |
2 | Reasoning Ability |
3 | Quantitative Aptitude |
4 | English Language |
Direct Link To Download: HPSC Syllabus For Naib Tehsildar
HPSC Sub Divisional Engg Syllabus:
The HPSC Sub Divisional Engineer Syllabus of General Awareness, Reasoning Ability, Quantative Aptitude and English Language is same as above and optional subjects’ sylabbus is provided below:
Direct Link To Download: HPSC Syllabus For Civil
HPSC SDE Syllabus For Electrical:
Direct Link To Download: HPSC Syllabus For Electrical
HPSC Sub Divisional Engineer Exam Pattern
Sr. No. | Subjects Involved |
1 | General Awareness |
2 | Reasoning Ability |
3 | Quantative Aptitude |
4 | English Language |
5 | Optional Subjects |
HPSC AE Syllabus
HPSC Exam Pattern 2024
HPSC exam covers two sections:
Preliminary Examination Pattern:
Paper | Subjects | Max. marks | Duration |
Paper I | General Studies | 100 | 2 hours |
Paper II | One optional subject | 100 | 2 hours |
Main Examination Pattern:
Paper | Subjects | Max. marks |
Paper I | English | 100 |
Paper II | Hindi | 100 |
Paper III | General Studies | 100 |
Paper IV | Two optional subjects | 300 |
Viva Voce | 75 |
PSC Preparation Link |
ALL PSC Question Paper |
Compulsory Subjects:
Optional Subjects:
Candidates are needed to choose any three subjects from the below given subjects::
History (Choose any one):
Mathematics and Stat (Choose any TWO):
Philosophy and Psychology (Choose any one):
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Law (Choose any one)
Commerce (Choose any one)
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Languages (Choose one subjects)
Syllabus for HPSC Compulsory Subjects
English and English Essay
Hindi and Hindi Essay (in Devnagri Script):
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General Knowledge including Everyday Science:
PSC Updates |
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Syllabus for HPSC Optional Subjects
Indian History |
History of India upto 1000 AD or History of India from 1000 to 1707 AD or History of India from 1707 to 1920 AD |
History of Europe (including England): |
History of Europe From 1789-1938. |
Mathematics I: |
Statistics, Dynamics, Analytical plane geometry, Trigonometry, Pure Geometry and Analytical Solid Geometry |
Mathematics II: |
Algebra, Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus, Differential Equations, Analysis including infinite Series |
Statistics | |
1 | Presentation of Data. |
2 | Measures of Central Tendency and Diversion. |
3 | Elementary Probability Theory. |
4 | Standard Distributions. |
5 | Random Sampling. |
6 | Tests of significance in Small and Large Samples. |
7 | Point Estimation. |
8 | Correlation and Regression. |
9 | Quality Control. |
Read Here: Math Questions and Answers |
Economics | |
1 | Nature and scope of Economics systems and their functions. |
2 | Micro Economic Analysis; National Income and Expenditure, Major Determinants of Income and Employment. |
3 | Micro Economic Analysis; Demand Analysis, Price Formation under various Market Categories, Distributive shares. |
4 | Structure of Indian Economy |
A | Sectoral distribution of working force. |
b | Problems of Agricultural Development and Reorganization. |
C | Industrial Development policy. |
D | India’s Foreign Trade and Payments. |
E | India’s Five Year Plans. |
Physics: |
Property and structure of matter, sound, heat, light, electricity and magnetism and elements of modern Physics. |
Chemistry: |
Physical, Inorganic and Organic. |
Botany: |
Thallophyta, Broyophyta, Pteridophyta, Pehanero gams, Physiology, Ecology and General Biology including Cytology and Genetics. |
Zoology: |
The classification, bionomics, morphology, life history and relationship of nonchrodates and chordates, with special reference to Indian forms. Functional morphology (from structure and function) of the integument endoskeleton locomotion, feeding, blood circulation, respiration osmoregulation, nervous system, receptors and reproduction, element of vertebrate embryology. Evolution, evidence, theories and their modern interpretations, Mendalian inheritance and mutation. Structure of Animal cell, basic principles of cytology and genetics, adaption and distribution. |
Philosophy: |
This paper will include-Logic, Ethics and Elements of Mataphysics. Definition, Deductive inference Scientific Methods, Classification, Theories of knowledge, Standard of Morality, Social Ethics, Idealism, Pragmatism, Existentialism; Logical Analysis. |
Psychology: |
This paper will include topics from general Experimental and Abnormal psychology. The nature and. different stand points in Psychology, Personality, methods of Assessment and diagnoses. Concept of Abnormality, general causes, Classification, Etiology and treatment. |
Law: |
Criminal law or Civil law or Personal Law, Indian Penal Code. |
The Criminal Procedure Code and the Indian Evidence Act. |
Civil Law |
Civil Procedure code and the Indian Evidence Act. |
Personal Law |
General principles of Hindu Law, Mohammadan Law and Punjab Customary Law as modified by States. |
Do You Know? How To Study At The Last Minute For Exams
Political Science: |
Part I: |
State, its nature, origin and development, purposes and functions of the State; Sovereignty and Law, Liberty, Equality and Rights; Nationalism and Nation State; Imperialism, Internationalism, Organisation and working of the U.N.O. and Special Agencies, Regional Organisations |
Theories: Liberalism, Democracy, Idealism, Anarchism, Marxism and Communism, Democratic Socialism Fascism, Welfare State, Gandhian Philosophy and Sarvodaya. |
Part II: |
Forms and Organs of Government Electrical Systems, Federalism, Organisation and Working of Executive legislature and Judiciary, Civil Services, Administrative Tribunals, Referendum and Initiative, Delegated Legislation, Political Parties and Pressure Groups. Public Opinion, Organisation and working of the Government of India, Britain, U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. |
Geography |
(i) Physical basis of Geography of the world. |
(ii) Regional and Economic Geography of the world with special reference to India. |
16. Agriculture: |
Agriculture, Agricultural Economics, Animal Husbandry and Dairying. |
Geology: |
Physical and Structural Geology, Stratigraphy, Palaeontology, Petrology, Mineralogy and Economic Geology. |
Sociology: |
(i)The Nature, scope and method of Sociology, Sociology and the Social Sciences, the Nature of Human Society. |
(ii) The concept of Social Relationship, Status and Role; Major Types of Groups; Major Social Institutions. The concept of Social Action. |
(iii) Basic Social Processes, Social Stratification, Social Control Socialization. |
(iv) Social change, Indian social institutions and their changing pattern. |
19. Commerce Trade and Transport. |
Or |
Advanced Accountancy and Auditing. |
Or |
Business Organisation Management. |
English Literature: |
Candidates will be expected to show a General Knowledge of the History of English Literature from the time os Spencer to the end of the reign of Queen Victoria with special reference to works of the following authors: |
Shakespeare, Milton, Johnson, Carlyle, Dickens. Words worth, Keats Tennyson, Dardey. |
Evidence of first hand reading will be required. |
Persian: |
Translation from the language into English and from English in to the language, composition on one or more specified subjects. Question may be asked on the Grammar of the language. |
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Sanskrit: |
Candidates will be expected to show a General knowledge of the history of Sanskrit Literature with special reference to: |
(a) The Upnishads, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata; |
(b) The works of Kalidasa, Bhasa and Asvaghosha; and |
(c) Dasakumara Charita, the Panchtantra Hitopadesha. |
Knowledge of first hand reading will be required thereof. |
Knowledge of the Language will be tested by such exercises as translation from the language into English and vice-versa, composition on one or more specified subjects, use of idioms etc. |
French: |
In addition to the knowledge of French grammar and composition the candidates are expected to know History of French literature from the origin of French literature to the beginning of the first Great War (1914). |
Urdu Language and Literature: |
(a) Language-The knowledge of Urdu language will be tested by exercises such as an essay, translation from English into Urdu and vice-versa and the use of Urdu idioms. |
(b) Literature-Candidates will be expected to show a general knowledge of History of Urdu literature with special reference to the works of the following authors: Ghalib, Zauk and Hali. |
Evidence of first hand reading will be required. |
Hindi Literature: |
Candidates will be expected to show a general knowledge of the History of Hindi literature from Vira Gatha Kal to the modern period with special reference to the following authors: Kabir, Surdas, Tulsidas, Bihari, Harish Chandra Prasad, Prem Chand. |
Evidence of first hand reading will be required. |
Punjabi Literature: |
Candidates will be expected to show a general knowledge of the History of Punjabi literature from the time of Sheikh Farid to the end of the reign of Maharaja Dari and to the end of the reign of Maharaja Ranjit Singh with special reference to the works of the following authors: Sheikh Farid, Guru Nanak, Shah Hussain, Bhai Gurdas, PuratanJanam Sakhi Damodar, Buleh Shah, Waris Shah, Hasham Shah. |
Evidence of first hand reading will be required. |
Public Administration: |
Nature, scope and the significance of the study of Public Administration. |
Public Administration and other Social Sciences, Methodology, Politic-Socioeconomic-Development and Public Administration. |
Role of Chief Executive Union Cabinet and Co-ordination of Public Administration. |
Forms of Organisation department, Public Corporation, Commission and Board, Administrative Organisation in India. |
Direction, Communication, Decentralisation, Deconcentration Co-ordination. Methods, Role of O and M Units in an Organisation. |
Public Relations. |
Objectives of Personnel Administration; aspects of Personnel Administration Recruitment Public Service Commission, Training, Terms of Employment, Moral Discipline. |
Financial Administration, Financial Organisation, Budgetary Operations and Control: Audit; Parliamentary Control over Financial Management. Delegated Legislation; Administrative Tribunals. |
Accountability of Public Administration to Legislature, Public Administration, Political Parties, Pressure Groups and the People. |
Judicial Control over Public Administration. |
National Planning in India, Planning Organisation; Administration of Development Programmes. Administrative aspects of Indian Federalism. |
Local Self-Government and Administration-Rural and Urban in India. |
Get Here: 5 Tips To Complete Exam On Time
Standard of Examination: |
The standard and contents of examination shall be similar to those of B.A. and B.Sc. Examination of the Punjab University except that in the case of following papers the standard will be indicated against each: |
(1) Law LLB.: Degree Standard |
(2) Agriculture: BSc. (Agriculture) Standard |
(3) Urdu language and literature, Hindi literature and Punjabi Literature: B.A. (Hons.) Standard |
(4) Commerce: B.Com. Standard. |
Total Time Durations of the Exam:
Three hours duration will be provided for all the papers.
Medium of Examination:
For the papers of General Knowledge and three optional subjects, candidates can answer the questions either in English or in Hindi medium. Candidates are not allowed to answer any of their papers partially in Hindi and partially in English.
HPSC Study Material
Exam Name | Study Material |
HCS (Ex.Br.) Preliminary Exam | Previous Year Paper |
HCS (Ex.Br.) Main Exam | Previous Year paper |
Assistant Treasury Officer Exam | Previous Year paper |
Assistant Engineer (Public Health) Engg. Deptt. – Exam | Previous Year paper |
Ayurvedic Medical Officer Screening Test | Previous Year paper |
Dental Surgeon Screening Test | Previous Year paper |
How To Download HPSC Syllabus?
Follow these guidelines to download Haryana PSC Recruitment Syllabus.
Direct Link To Download HPSC Syllabus PDF
Assistant Engineer (Civil) in Housing Board | Get PDF |
Executive Engineer (Civil) in Urban Local Bodies Department | Get PDF |
Assistant Director(Tech.) Class-II in Industries and Commerce Department | Get PDF |
Dental Surgeon (Class-II) in Health Department, Haryana | Get PDF |
Assistant Director (Projects), Assistant Director (Industrial Promotion) and Assistant Director (Statistics) in Industries and Commerce Department, Haryana | Get PDF |
Assistant Town Planner in Town & Country Planning Deptt. Haryana | Get PDF |
Assistant Engineer (Civil, Mechanical and Electrical) in Irrigation Department, Haryana | Get PDF |
Assistant Engineer (Civil) in Haryana Police Housing Corporation Ltd. | Get PDF |
Assistant Engineer (Electrical) in Haryana Police Housing Corporation Ltd. | Get PDF |
Works Manager and Store Purchase officer in Transport Department | Get PDF |
Assistant Professor (College Cadre) | Get PDF |
Veterinary Surgeon | Get PDF |
Candidates can check this Official Link to download the Haryana Public Service Commission Syllabus 2024. If you have any issues related to HPSC Syllabus 2024 or HPSC Exam papers you are free to ask us by give your precious comments in given box below.
This post was last modified on 2024-08-30 7:41 pm
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