MDU Syllabus 2024: Contenders those who are going to appear in Maharshi Dayanand University UG/ PG/ M.Phil/ Ph.D exams are required to download MDU Syllabus. As syllabus include the topics which are likely to be asked in upcoming exams.
With the help of MDU Rohtak Syllabus, students can make their preparation stronger. Willing individuals can get the complete Maharshi Dayanand University syllabi on this web page and they can download it in PDF form by hitting the mentioned links.
MDU 2024 Syllabus Overview:
Name of university | Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak |
Courses | UG/ PG/ M.Phil/ Ph.D |
Category | MDU UG/ PG Syllabus |
Official website | |
Some Best Preparation Tips:
Students can also take some help from MDU previous year question papers/ sample papers to make their preparation best. Or they can attend online mock test to boost up their confidence and knowledge level.
MDU Syllabus 2024 for UG/ PG/ M.Phil/ Ph.D courses is mentioned below by the team of, take a look and download your Maharshi Dayanand University Syllabus in PDF form.
BA Economics Syllabus
MDU Syllabus for Semester-I (Microeconomics – I):
The Economic Problem: Scarcity and Choice, Functions of an Economic System, Circular Flow of Economic Activities, System of Economic Organization, Micro and Macro Economics, Law of Demand, Elasticity of Demand: concept, types, measurement, determinants and importance.
Consumer Theory: Concept of utility, Cardinal utility analysis, marginal and total utility, consumer’s equilibrium, Derivation of demand curve, consumer’s surplus.
Ordinal Utility Theory: Indifference curves analysis, characteristics, budget line, marginal rate of substitution, Consumer’s Equilibrium, Price, income and substitution effects, Derivation of demand curve, Limitations of utility theory of demand.
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Producer’s behaviour and Supply: Supply, Firm as an agent of production, Law of variable proportions, Returns to scale, characteristics of Iso-quants, Ridge lines, least cost combination of factors, Internal and external economies and diseconomies. Movements and shifts in supply curve, Elasticity of supply.
Cost Analysis: Concepts of costs, short period costs and long period costs, Modern Theory of costs, Revenue: Concepts of revenue; total, average and marginal revenue and their relationships, Break-even-analysis & its uses.
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MDU Syllabus for Semester-I (Microeconomics – I):
Unit- I
Market Structures, Perfect Competition: Characteristics and assumptions, Price determination under perfect competition, Equilibrium of the firm and industry in the short period and the long period
Monopoly: Characteristics, Equilibrium of the monopoly firm in short period and long period, Concept of supply-curve under monopoly, Price discrimination, Measure of monopoly power.
Imperfect Market: Monopolistic competition, characteristics, short period and long period equilibrium of the firm, Group-equilibrium, selling costs, product differentiation, excess capacity. Oligopoly: Characteristics, emergence of oligopoly, cournot’s model, Bertrand’s model, Price rigidity, Price leadership, Collusive and non-collusive oligopoly
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Market failure: Market efficiency, Reasons for Market failure, Public goods and externalities, transaction costs, asymmetric information, public policy towards monopoly and competition.
Theory of factor pricing: Marginal productivity theory of distribution, Backward bending supply curve of labour, Ricardian and modern theory of rent, quasi-rent, net and gross interest, theories of interest, net and gross profit, theories of profit.
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MDU Syllabus for Semester-III (Macroeconomics – I):
Introduction to Macroeconomics and National Income Accounting
Macroeconomics: Nature and Scope; Macroeconomic Issues in an Economy. Concepts of GDP and National Income; Measurement of National Income and Related Aggregates; Nominal and Real Income; Limitations of the GDP concept, Methods of measurement of India’s National Income by CSO
National Income Determination
Actual and potential GDP; Aggregate Expenditure –Consumption Function , Investment Function; Equilibrium GDP; Concepts of MPC , APC, MPS, APS. Autonomous Expenditure; The Concept of Multiplier.
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National Income Determination in an Open Economy with Government
Fiscal Policy – Impact of Changes in Govt.Expenditure and Taxes; Net Export Function; Net Exports and Equilibrium GDP
GDP and Price Level in Short and Long Run
Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply; Multiplier Analysis with AD curve and Price level Changes; Aggregate Supply in Short Run and Long Run
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MDU Syllabus for Semester-IV (Macroeconomics – II):
Money in a Modern Economy
Concept of Money in a Modern Economy; Monetary Aggregates; Demand for Money; Quantity Theory of Money; Liquidity Preference and Rate of Interest; Money Supply, Credit Creation and Monetary Policy.
IS-LM Analysis, Trade Cycle Theory and Growth Theory
Derivation of IS and LM Functions; IS-LM and Aggregate Demand; Shifts in AD Curve. Theories of Trade cycles: Samulson and Hicks models, Harrod and Domar growth model
Balance of Payments and Exchange Rate
Gains from International Trade, Balance of Payments; Market for Foreign Exchange; Determination of Exchange Rates
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Unit- IV
Public Finance
Nature and Scope of Public Finance, Principle of Maximum Social Advantage, Effects of Public Expenditure, Impact and Incidence of taxes, Characteristics of a Good Taxation System
MDU Syllabus for Semester V (Development Economics):
Unit– I
Features of U.D.C’s, Economic Growth and Development; Determinants, Measurement and obstacles of Economic Development, Vicious Circle of Poverty
Unit- II
Balanced and Unbalanced Growth Theories, Lewis’ Model and Leibenstein’s Critical minimum effort thesis
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Unit- III
Environment, Meaning, features and components of Environment.Scope of Environmental Economics; Environment as a necessity and luxury.Population-Environment linkage.Features of Environment as a public good
Unit- IV
Natural Resources; Environmental pollution, types, causes and effects, Control policies; Environmental legislations in India, Sustainable Development: meaning; indicators, measurement and importance of Sustainable Development.
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MDU Syllabus for Semester VI (International Economics):
Unit- I
Inter-regional and International Trade; Comparative Cost Theory; Hecksher-Ohlin Theory; Rate of Exchange Determination; Mint Par Theory and Purchasing Power Parity Theory
Unit- II
Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rate; Exchange Rate Policy in India.Free Trade Vs Protection; Terms of Trade, Exchange Control
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Unit- III
Change in Value, Volume, Composition and direction of Foreign Trade in India since 1991; Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments Structure, causes of adverse Balance of Payment in India and measure to correct it. Foreign Trade Multiplier.
Unit- IV
Objectives, Functions and advantages for India of International Monetary Fund; World Bank; World Trade Organisation and South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation Preferential Trading Arrangement (SAPTA)
Hit Here>>> Maharshi Dayanand University Rohtak Syllabus
MDU Syllabus PDF Download
Individuals will get Maharshi Dayanand University Syllabus for University UG/ PG/ M.Phil/ Ph.D courses by hitting the mentioned below links:
Courses | Syllabus |
Post Graduate (CBCS) | Hit Here |
Under Graduate | Hit Here |
M.Phil./Ph.D Course Work | Hit Here |
Open Electives | Hit Here |
Foundation Electives | Hit Here |
Official Note:
Students can visit the Official Link and they will get further details about MDU Syllabus. If you have any query regarding Maharshi Dayanand University Exam Syllabus then you may write it in the mentioned below comment box.
This post was last modified on 2024-08-30 7:44 pm
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